AGENDA: Barnstable County Economic Development Council
Note: the meeting will be held by remote participation by the Barnstable County Economic Development Council (BCEDC) pursuant to Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker’s order suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law dated March 12, 2020.
Members of the public can join the meeting using one of the following methods:
- By clicking on the following zoom meeting link:
- Going online to and clicking on “Join Virtual Meeting.” Participants wishing to speak should click “Participants” icon on the lower toolbar and then click “Raise Hand” in the dialog box to notify the chair.
- Call in to 1-929-205-6099 and entering meeting ID 944 2493 9934. Participants wishing to speak should press *9 to notify the chair.
- Roll Call
- Review and Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: 2/4/2021
- Grants Subcommittee Membership: Council members will discuss and potentially vote to fill two vacancies on the Barnstable County Economic Development Council Grants Subcommittee.
- Fiscal Year 2022 License Plate Grants: Council Members will discuss and may vote to authorize the Barnstable County Economic Development Council Grants Subcommittee to develop and issue a Request for Proposals for grant awards.
- Business Recovery Workshops & Toolkits: Cape Cod Commission staff will provide an update on the industry-specific workshops and toolkits for businesses developed with its consultant, Revby, which are funded through the US EDA CARES Act Recovery Assistance Grant awarded to the Commission in 2020.
- Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Adjustments: Commission staff will review proposed adjustments to the 2019 CEDS that integrate COVID-19 economic impact considerations. The adjustments will be included in the 2021 CEDS Annual Report and presented to the Council in June 2021.
- Cape Cod Commission Executive Director Update: Kristy Senatori will report on recent Cape Cod Commission activities.
- Member Reports: Barnstable County Economic Development Council members will report on any recent economic development activities, including but not limited to economic development issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- New Business: Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair more than 48 hours before the meeting.
- Adjourn
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