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AGENDA: Barnstable County Economic Development Council

Note: The meeting will be held in a hybrid format, both in person and virtually, with some members of the Barnstable County Economic Development Council participating remotely, pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, An Act Relative to Extending Certain Covid-19 Measures Adopted During the State of Emergency.

Members of the public can join the meeting using one of the following methods:   

Participants wishing to speak should click the “Raise Hand” icon on the lower toolbar to notify the chair. In some versions of Zoom, "Raise Hand" is under the "More" icon. The chair will recognize participants.  

Phone participants wishing to speak should press *9 to notify the chair. Press * 6 to mute/unmute. The chair will recognize participants.  

If joining virtually, please join the meeting at least fifteen minutes before the start of the meeting and email if you have any issues joining.  



  1. Roll Call
  2. Review and Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: 9/14/2022
  3. Early Education and Childcare Needs and Actions: State Senator Susan Moran will discuss legislative actions to address early education and childcare needs on Cape Cod and across the state. Cindy Horgan, Executive Director of Cape Cod Children’s Place, will discuss challenges faced by early education and childcare providers, particularly as it relates to staffing. Barnstable County Economic Development Council members will have an opportunity to discuss the recently completed Cape Cod and Islands Early Education and Childcare Needs Assessment and opportunities to advance its recommendations.
  4. Future Agenda Topics: Barnstable County Economic Development Council will discuss agenda topics and potential speakers for future meetings.
  5. Cape Cod Commission Executive Director Update: Kristy Senatori will report on recent staff activities.
  6. Member Reports: Council members will report on any recent economic development activities, including but not limited to economic development issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  7. New Business: Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair more than 48 hours before the meeting.
  8. Adjourn

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