AGENDA: Regional Policy Plan Subcommittee
NOTE: The meeting will be held in a hybrid format, both in person and virtually, pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, as amended.
The meeting can be attended by using any of the following methods:
- By attending in person at 3225 Main Street, Barnstable, MA at the Cape Cod Commission Office, Ocean Conference Room;
- By clicking on the following link: passcode: join
- Calling in to (929) 205-6099 and entering meeting ID 96803820087
- Attendance/ Roll Call
- Approval of prior meeting minutes: 11/12/2024
- Residents Survey: Staff will summarize preliminary results from the 2025 Cape Cod Residents Survey conducted in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute to better understand Cape Cod resident perspectives and priorities as it relates to issue areas addressed in the 2018 Regional Policy Plan (RPP). Subcommittee members will have an opportunity to discuss and ask questions.
- Focus Group Debrief: Staff will review the content discussed by focus groups that were conducted to obtain input for the 2018 Regional Policy Plan update. Staff will identify and describe potential opportunities for amending the Regional Policy Plan based on this focus group input. Subcommittee members will have an opportunity to discuss and provide feedback on the presentation.
- Public Outreach and Engagement Strategy: Staff will present a strategy for public outreach and engagement to obtain additional input and feedback from the Cape Cod community to inform the 2018 Regional Policy Plan update. Subcommittee members will have an opportunity to discuss the strategy and provide feedback.
- Adjourn
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Please contact the Cape Cod Commission at (508) 362-3828 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting; for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) dial 711.
Caso estas informações sejam necessárias em outro idioma, por favor, contate o Coordenador de Título VI pelo telefone (508) 744-1299 or Para serviços de retransmissão de telecomunicações, disque 711.
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