The Cape Cod Commission works with partner organizations, municipalities, and citizens across the region to document and plan for improvements to existing bicycling facilities and, where and as possible, to help create a Cape-wide network of bicycling routes.
Regional Shared Use Path Vision
Prioritizing Non-Motorist Infrastructure (Viewer)
The Prioritizing Non-Motorist Infrastructure Viewer identifies priority sidewalk gaps on transit routes near multi-family housing by visualizing existing non-motorist infrastructure and risk indexes to improve safety for non-motorists. Non-motorist walking routes have been assigned sidewalk priority rankings based on the factors detailed below. This non-motorist resource library provides valuable planning data to stakeholders to prioritize closing of critical sidewalk gaps on Cape Cod.
- Road speed and volume
- Length of route
- Distance between infrastructure
- Crash locations
- Housing density
- Environmental Justice
Regional Non-Motorist Counts Data Viewer
Commission Staff regularly deploy counters on the region's bicycle and sidewalk network. Click below to review the locations and data of our non-motorist counts. MassDOT also maintains a Statewide Non-Motorist Count Database.
Additionally, to learn more about our non-motorist counting efforts, please view an overview presentation by clicking here.
External Resources
- Cape Cod Rail Trail - Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Cape Cod National Seashore Bike Trails - National Park Service brochure, with maps
- MassBike - Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition
- East Coast Greenway
- MassDOT Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Awareness Video
- MassTrails grants
- MassDOT Shared Streets and Spaces grants
- Cape Light Compact Income-Eligible E-Bike Rebate Program
Overview Presentation of Cape Cod Bicycle Projects (Summer 2020)
Colleen Medeiroscolleen.medeiros@capecodcommission.org
David Nolandavid.nolan@capecodcommission.org
Evan Costaevan.costa@capecodcommission.org