Development of Regional Impact
- Project: Blue Sky Towers Monopole, Yarmouth - resubmission (CCC File No. 21012)
- Project Applicant: Blue Sky Towers III, LLC
- Project Location: 1044 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664, Book 669, Page 144
- Project Description: Construction of a 120’ monopole wireless communication tower with ground equipment
- Project Status: The Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) referral from the Town of Yarmouth for a 120-foot monopole wireless communications tower on August 12, 2021. This project is a resubmittal of a prior DRI, originally referred in March 2021. The Applicant has submitted a DRI Application which is being reviewed by staff. The hearing period was opened procedurally on October 15, 2021, and the first subcommittee meeting was held on December 14, 2021. During the December 14 meeting, the subcommittee directed staff to prepare a draft decision. A public hearing was held on January 13, 2022. Following the hearing, the full Commission voted to adopt the subcommittee's recommended draft Decision, approving the Development of Regional Impact, with conditions.
Project Resources
52K pdf
706K pdf
Jan 11, 2022
2022-01-03 DRI 21012 Blue Sky Towers DRAFT Minutes
Blue Sky Towers Yarmouth (CCC No. 21012) Subcommittee Hearing | 1 Subcommittee Hearing Blue Sky Towers Yarmouth Resubmission (CCC File No. 21012) Draft Minutes | January 3, 2022…
913K pdf