Wakeby Road Wireless Tower (Barnstable)
Project Name: Eco-Site, Inc.
Project Location: 0 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA
Project Description: The Applicant proposes to construct a 145' tall monopole-style wireless tower and T-Mobile proposes to install thereupon, 12 wireless communications antennas and two 20" microwave dish antennas.
Physical project files are available for review at the Cape Cod Commission Office Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact the Front Desk for more information, 508-362-3828.
Project Resources
605K pdf
Nov 13, 2017
2017-11-09-Wakeby Rd Wireless Tower-TR17019-DRI Decision signed
3225 MAIN STREET • P.O. BOX 226 BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02630 (508) 362-3828 • Fax (508) 362-3136 • www.capecodcommission.org CAPE COD COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT…