Development Agreement
- Project: Proposed Modification to Cape Cod Healthcare Development Agreement (CCC File No. 02014)
- Project Location: Wilkens Lane, Hyannis
- Project Description: New England Development and Cape Cod Healthcare have submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) to modify the Development Agreement between the Cape Cod Commission and Cape Cod Healthcare for property off Wilkens Lane in Barnstable (Map 296 Parcel 39; Map 295 Parcel 004-001).
- Project Status: The Commission acted favorably in October 2020 on a Notice of Intent (NOI) submitted by applicants Cape Cod Healthcare and New England Development for a modification to a Development Agreement entered into by and between the Cape Cod Commission and Cape Cod Healthcare for property off Wilkens Lane in Hyannis. The Cape Cod Commission deemed the applicant's Development Agreement Application complete. The subcommittee hearing on the Project opened on March 1, 2022 and continued hearings were held on March 8, 2022 and April 5, 2022. The next continued subcommittee hearing is scheduled for May 24, 2022.
Project Resources
1M pdf
Mar 17, 2021
2020-11-05 Mod CCHC-Wilkens DA Final Decision
4M pdf
Jul 02, 2021
2021-07-02 DA02014 Wilkens Mod Application
SKM_C450i21070210280 SKM_C450i21070210280…The Development Agreement authorizes ambulatory medical uses and development at the Property. The Development Agreement is the subject of…
412K pdf
May 02, 2022
2022-05-02 DA02014 Wilkens Mod Site Coverage Plan
0 SCALE: 15' 30' 60' 1'' = 30' MARK DATE DESCRIPTION BY 5/2/2022 8:46:17 AM - P:\26700\143-26700-20001\CAD\SHEETFILES\RENDERING C-3 OPEN SPACE PLAN.DWG - CHEAL,