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Cape Cod Commission develops model municipal electric vehicle bylaw 

Most cars on the road today burn traditional fuels, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. On Cape Cod, the transportation sector is responsible for over 55% of the region's greenhouse gas emissions.

The Cape Cod Climate Action Plan, released by the Cape Cod Commission in July 2021, provides a framework for action to support a climate-resilient region, including efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One way to achieve this goal is to support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). To do so, we must address barriers to electrification, including cost, availability, and access to charging infrastructure.

Strategic planning and regional coordination will encourage the development of EV charging infrastructure and increase awareness of EV options in support of the region's GHG reduction goals. The Cape Cod Commission has developed a model municipal EV bylaw to serve as a resource for Cape Cod communities seeking to incorporate consideration of EV charging infrastructure in the local bylaws.

Installing EV chargers or infrastructure that facilitates future EV chargers during site development or redevelopment is a cost-effective way to expand the region's charging network. This model municipal electric vehicle bylaw defines three levels of recommended requirements to encourage EV charging development:

  • Base requirements closely align with Massachusetts’s Stretch and Specialized Opt-in Code, finalized on September 23, 2022.
  • Base Plus provides more advanced requirements for municipalities who wish to consider increased support for EV charging infrastructure deployment.
  • Reach supplements the Base Plus level with stronger EV readiness provisions for communities taking a more proactive stance to supporting development of EV charging infrastructure.

The recommendations proposed in this model bylaw are intended to be flexible. Municipalities may want to tailor and select requirements most applicable to their jurisdiction and to fit their specific needs and goals. Learn more about the model bylaw by visiting:

Learn more about the model bylaw by visiting: 

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