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Cape Cod Commission works with Town of Dennis on Municipal Vulnerability Planning

Dennis MVP 2

This November, the Cape Cod Commission, in cooperation with the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, assisted the Town of Dennis with a community workshop to understand how the town is impacted by natural hazards and a changing climate, and to develop priority actions to improve the community’s resilience to these threats. 

 This stakeholder workshop is part of the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program which provides support for cities and towns in Massachusetts to plan for climate change resiliency and implement priority projects.  

Dennis is the sixth town the Commission has assisted through the MVP process. 

More than 50 people attended the workshop, including town staff representing a wide variety of departments, public safety officials, appointed committee members, and concerned citizens.  

Attendees worked together during the interactive workshop to identify the top hazards facing Dennis, the community’s strengths and vulnerabilities, and specific actions to improve the town’s resilience 

Through this process, attendees identified five priorities that include: assessing adequacy of communications and shelters for community safety; an in-depth analysis of the South side coastline; an assessment of vulnerable roadways; an assessment of stormwater infrastructure; and a statement of support from the Town to maintain or increase funding to purchase land supporting climate concerns, such as salt marsh and drainage areas.  

The Commission is now working to complete a summary of the findingsA public listening session will be held in Dennis in late winter or early spring.  

Following submission of the final summary of findings to the state, the Town of Dennis will be designated as an MVP community, making it eligible for MVP Action Grants and other funding opportunities to implement the actions identified through the workshop process. 

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