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Moving forward with the Regional Housing Strategy

The Cape Cod Commission is creating a Regional Housing Strategy to address housing supply, affordability, and availability issues by identifying appropriate areas for housing development, along with policies and strategies to further the plan’s goals.

This planning process will result in a strategy that includes actionable recommendations responsive to the needs and preferences of Cape Cod and tools and resources such as design guidelines and model bylaws that communities can immediately implement.

The Commission has contracted with Utile and Outwith Studio to support development of the housing strategy. They will work with Commission staff to complete a regional zoning analysis, develop residential design guidelines, issue a visual preference survey, and complete research on financing mechanisms and potential regional affordable housing entities. 

In December 2022, Cape Cod Commission staff began a series of municipal meetings to better understand local housing priorities and goals. During the meetings, Commission staff shared housing, economic and demographic data and engaged in discussions on existing challenges, efforts, resources and support needed.

Staff has also compiled a housing typology outlining the various types of homes in the region. Housing profiles developed by Commission staff for each Cape Cod town and the region are under development, and the results of a housing suitability analysis will soon be available. 

The process will continue through the spring and summer, with a draft strategy expected in Summer 2023.

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