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Update to Regional Transportation Plan to begin in January

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for Cape Cod is undergoing a 4-year update by the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).  The RTP is a long-range plan, looking forward to the year 2040, that includes all of the Cape’s modes of transportation.  It establishes our regional vision and  prioritizes infrastructure projects within available funding.  Much of the RTP’s development will take place at meetings of the MPO and its advisory board, the Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee (CCJTC).  Development of the RTP will mainly take place starting in January 2019 with following topics addressed at the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization meetings:

January 28: RTP Goals, Objectives and Existing Conditions of the Transportation System

February 25: Potential Projects and Performance Measures

March 18: Project Selection Review

April 22: Release of Draft RTP for Public Comment

May 20: Final Endorsement of RTP

All MPO meetings are held in the main conference room at the Cape Cod Commission.

Additional public meetings and workshops will take place starting the last week of January in concert with the release of an online survey.  CCC staff will also be participating in  meetings of local boards, agencies and other stakeholder groups.

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