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West Chatham neighborhood zoning initiative

The Cape Cod Commission is helping the Town of Chatham develop potential new zoning for the West Chatham Neighborhood Center.  The project builds on several previous planning efforts for the area, including a land use planning study conducted by the Cape Cod Commission of the Route 28 corridor, from the Crowell Road intersection to the Harwich town line. The Route 28 Visioning Project was completed in 2014 and outlined several recommendations intended as a framework for achieving the Comprehensive Plan vision.   

In 2016, Town Meeting passed several articles, primarily focused on the South Chatham area, based upon the recommendations of the Route 28 Visioning Project. In 2019, the Planning Board resumed work on possible new zoning for the West Chatham Neighborhood Center and in early 2020, through the District Local Technical Assistance program, the Town asked the Cape Cod Commission for assistance in drafting zoning for the area that reflects the desired vision for the Neighborhood Center. A survey available online and during a virtual community forum in September sought feedback on the building forms and features people would like to see in the West Chatham Neighborhood Center. There were over 100 respondents to the survey.  

Cape Cod Commission staff presented the survey results to the Chatham Planning Board in November. Based on guidance from the Planning Board, the feedback from both surveys, and the results of extensive previous studies and community outreach and engagement, especially with West Chatham residents and businesses, Commission staff developed a first draft of possible new zoning for the West Chatham Neighborhood Center. Commission staff presented this initial draft to the Planning Board on February 8, 2021. Their feedback, along with feedback from significant public review will guide further refinements to the draft zoning. 

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