MASSDOT Public Comment: Capital Investment Plan
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Draft FY25-29 Capital Investment Plan (CIP) is now out for public comment and is available for review on their CIP website. The 21-day public comment period will end on July 10, 2024.
MassDOT is holding an online Capital Investment Plan Meeting for the Cape and Islands region on June 27 at 4pm. This meeting is open to the public.
- To Register: Cape Cod and Islands Region
The CIP guides how the Commonwealth prioritizes and funds local and statewide transportation projects, including railroad, transit, accessibility upgrades, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, roadway and bridge improvements, and municipal projects.
Meetings will be accessible to those with disabilities and with limited English proficiency. Accessibility and language services will be provided free of charge upon request and as available. Presentation materials will be made available in multiple languages upon request. For more information or to request language services, please contact us at least one week before the meeting by emailing MASSCIP@STATE.MA.US
The plan describes both projects and programs for improving transportation throughout Massachusetts, including local aid programs that support municipalities, regional transit authorities, and other entities. This plan is updated annually, and outlines planned investments for the next five years. The FY25-29 CIP includes $16.5 billion in investments across modes and transportation networks.
Feedback on the CIP helps MassDOT ensure that its capital investment decisions are meeting the Commonwealth’s transportation needs. Comments on any part of the document will be accepted during the comment period through multiple channels:
- Send comments by email to
- Send physical letters to:
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Attn: Manager of Capital Planning
10 Park Plaza Suite 4150
Boston MA, 02116
- Explore projects and submit a comment through the online comment tool available at the CIP website
- Provide a comment during any public meetings about the CIP
This is one of six regional CIP informational public meetings during the public comment period. Other virtual and in-person opportunities are listed below. To attend please register using the links below.
- Western Massachusetts Region: June 24, 4 p.m., virtual meeting.
- Southeastern Massachusetts Region: June 24, 6 p.m., virtual meeting.
- Central Massachusetts Region: June 26, 6 p.m., virtual and in-person meeting at the MassDOT District 3 Building, 499 Plantation Highway, Worcester, MA, 01605.
- Boston Region: July 1, 6 p.m., virtual and in-person meeting at the State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA, 02166
- Northern Middlesex and Merrimack Valley Region: July 2, 4 p.m., virtual meeting