MassDOT Capital Investment Plan (CIP)
Meeting being hosted by MassDOT.
Topic: CIP Meeting - Cape and Islands
Time: June 3, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Capital Investment Plan (CIP) 2021 - Cape Cod and Islands
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) are currently developing a one year maintenance of effort Capital
Investment Plan (CIP), that guides how we prioritize and fund local and statewide transportation projects.
Your input can inform project design and helps MassDOT understand the level of community support for proposed projects, ensuring that MassDOT’s investments align with the needs and priorities of all Massachusetts residents.
In addition to attending this meeting, there are several ways to participate at
- Join another Virtual Public Meeting – see dates and links at
- Send an email with your comments to: MASSCIP@STATE.MA.US
- Explore projects included in the CIP and provide comments online using our CIP Comment
Comments must be received by June 7th, 2021.
Virtual meetings will be accessible to those with limited English proficiency. Language services will be provided free of charge upon request, and as available. Requests should be submitted within ten days of the meeting at which services will be required, if at all possible. Presentation materials will be made available in multiple languages upon request. For more information or to request language services, please contact Patrick Nestor one week before the meeting at (617) 680-6092 or