Category: Newsletter
The Town of Chatham recently approved a Bicycle Master Plan.
The Towns of Harwich, Brewster, Chatham and Orleans are one step closer to a Watershed Permit for Pleasant Bay.
Finding the right balance between community need, community preference and financially viable development is the goal of a new effort by the Cape Cod Commission.
Downtown Hyannis Growth Incentive Zone Town of Barnstable In March 2018, the Town of Barnstable applied to re-designate the Downtown Hyannis Growth Incentive Zone (DHGIZ), originally approved by the Commission in 2006.…
The Cape Cod Commission will host the fifth annual OneCape Summit on August 16 and 17 at the Wequassett Resort in Harwich.
The Cape Cod Commission is hosting the annual OneCape Summit at the Wequassett Resort on August 16th and 17th, 2018.
In May Eastham Town Meeting adopted new zoning regulations for the Eastham Corridor Special District by a vote of 316-20.
The redesignation of the Downtown Hyannis Growth Incentive Zone provided an opportunity for the Cape Cod Commission to reconsider the framework for considering all future GIZ designations.
In April the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates and the Board of Regional Commissioners approved amendments to the Cape Cod Commission regulations governing review of Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs).
The Town of Eastham is looking to improve the safety and accessibility of town roadways and has asked the Cape Cod Commission for assistance in developing a Complete Streets Prioritization…