Category: Newsletter
The Cape Cod Commission voted its slate of officers at its June 9 meeting, naming Sandwich Representative Harold “Woody” Mitchell as Chair for FY2017.
The Center for Coastal Studies and Pleasant Bay Community Boating are pleased to present “From Paris to Pleasant Bay,” a lecture on the Paris Accord, Climate Change, and Cape Cod…
2016 EPA Merit Award Presentation: (L-R) Technical Services Director for Water Resources Tom Cambareri, Communications Coordinator David Still II , Deputy Director Patty Daley, Special Projects Coordinator Danielle Donahue, Special…
Commission staff will once again assist the Town of Falmouth in the general vicinity of the Davis Straits/Route 28 corridor between Scranton Avenue and Jones Road.
The Cape Cod Commission and the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority will join regional and state-wide efforts to promote the use of bicycles as a transportation alternative to driving single-occupant…
The Cape Cod Commission will host the second One Cape wastewater summit on June 23 and 24 at the Resort and Conference Center in Hyannis.
The two most significant annual plans for Cape Cod transportation projects will be reviewed May 23, 2016, and the drafts released for public comment on June 27, 2016.
Barnstable County received a $950,000 grant from the Department of Environmental Protection to provide implementation support for the Section 208 Plan Update.
New legislation filed by Gov. Charlie Baker for the commonwealth to accept certain responsibilities under the federal Clean Water Act comes at an important time for Barnstable County towns.
The approaches and outreach techniques developed as part the Cape Cod Area-wide Water Quality Management Plan Update will be used for a similar watershed-based effort in Massachusetts.