Category: Newsletter
An in-depth, peer reviewed article highlighting the community-based process to create Cape Cod’s Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan (208 Plan) was recently published by Ocean and Coastal Management, an international journal dedicated to…
During the Barnstable County Economic Development Council’s (BCEDC) December meeting, the group heard several presentations related to enhancing our region’s Blue Economy.
As we draw closer to the US Census 2020, the Cape Cod Complete Count Committee is working with partners on strategies to ensure a complete count in 2020.
Herring River Restoration Project- Phase 1 (CCC File No.
Carole Ridley, coordinator of the Pleasant Bay Alliance, attended the December 12, 2019 meeting of the Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative to provide an update on the landmark Pleasant Bay Watershed Permit.…
Barnstable County Commissioners vote 2-1 in favor of the district On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners voted 2-1 in favor of the West Harwich District of…
This November, the Cape Cod Commission, in cooperation with the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, assisted the Town of Dennis with a community workshop to understand how the town is impacted by…
Herring River Restoration Project- Phase 1 (CCC File No.
Commission historic preservation specialist Sarah Korjeff hosted a Historic Preservation Roundtable at the Commission office in November.
On September 17, 2019, the Cape Cod Commission received a nomination from the Harwich Board of Selectmen for the West Harwich District of Critical Planning Concern.