Category: Newsletter
The Cape Cod Commission’s fully redesigned website provides easier access to information and serves as a resource for communities with greater visibility to the full complement of Commission programs and services.…
Growth should be focused in centers of activity and areas supported by adequate infrastructure…Development should be responsive to context…while promoting economic and community resilience.
In just a few short months, the 2020 United States Census will begin.
Barnstable County License Plate Grant Funding Awarded $30,000 in grants awarded to support local economic development initiatives FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – The Cape Cod Commission, on behalf of the Barnstable County Board…
MassDOT wants to hear from you.
Secretary of the Commonwealth William F.
Attendees from across the region offer feedback to establish a framework for mitigating and adapting to climate change on Cape Cod In October, the Cape Cod Commission hosted a series of…
Responding to climate change by promoting resilient local action The Cape Cod Commission will soon begin work to create a model coastal resiliency bylaw that sets out strategies to mitigate and…
The Cape Cod Commission is working with the Town of Sandwich through the District Local Technical Assistance program on the South Sandwich Community Design and Regulatory Framework.
Cape Cod Commission Assists Towns with Vulnerability Preparedness The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (MVP) provides support for cities and towns in Massachusetts to begin the process of planning for climate change resiliency and…